Initiate a new transaction on the terminal device with predefined information, such as amount, transaction type, etc.
Bad Request
{- "posDeviceId": "000000001",
- "referenceId": "10001",
- "transactionTypeId": 2,
- "targetTransactionId": null,
- "amount": 10,
- "useCardPrice": null,
- "currencyId": 1,
- "paymentProcessorId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "terminalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "customerId": null,
- "waitForAcceptanceByTerminal": false,
- "readingMethodId": null,
- "requestPaymentMethodStorageConsent": false
{- "posTransactionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "statusId": 1,
- "status": "TerminalConnecting"
Bad Request
Not Found
{- "page": 0,
- "pageSize": 0,
- "asc": true,
- "orderBy": "string",
- "terminalId": "57e69e1b-2c00-4a26-b5e3-44617c6cc659"
Bad Request
Not Found
{- "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "createdOn": "2025-02-02T13:44:57.9903202+00:00",
- "modifiedOn": "2025-02-03T13:44:57.9903251Z",
- "merchantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "terminalId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "paymentProcessorId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "posDeviceId": "000000001",
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- "posTransactionStatusId": 6,
- "posTransactionStatus": "Completed",
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- "currencyId": 1,
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- "isCompleted": true,
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- "transactionDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
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- "currency": null,
- "processorId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "processor": null,
- "operationTypeId": 0,
- "operationType": null,
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- "status": null,
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- "merchantEmailAddress": null,
- "merchantWebsite": null,
- "authCode": null,
- "source": null,
- "responseCode": null,
- "responseDescription": null,
- "cardProcessingDetails": {
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- "mid": null,
- "tid": null,
- "cardCreditDebitTypeId": 2,
- "cardCreditDebitType": "Debit",
- "processCreditDebitTypeId": 1,
- "processCreditDebitType": "Credit",
- "rrn": "10628361287F",
- "cardTypeId": 0,
- "cardType": null
}, - "achProcessingDetails": {
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- "customerRoutingNumber": null,
- "accountHolderType": null,
- "accountHolderTypeId": 0,
- "accountType": null,
- "accountTypeId": 0,
- "taxId": null
}, - "availableOperations": [
- {
- "typeId": 4,
- "type": "Void",
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- "tipAmount": 10
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- "tipPercent": 10,
- "tipAmount": 20
}, - {
- "tipPercent": 15,
- "tipAmount": 30
], - "avsResponse": {
- "actionId": 1,
- "action": "Allow",
- "responseCode": null,
- "groupId": 5,
- "group": "ValidGroup",
- "resultId": 1,
- "result": "Passed",
- "codeDescription": null
}, - "emvTags": {
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{- "posTransactionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "statusId": 1,
- "status": "TerminalConnecting"