The invoice creation request.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
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Not Found
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The invoice update request.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
{- "dueDate": "string",
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{- "errors": {
- "Email": [
- "'Email' is not a valid email address."
}, - "details": "Validation failed: \n -- Email: 'Email' is not a valid email address. Severity: Error",
- "statusCode": 400,
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- "exceptionType": "FluentValidation.ValidationException",
- "correlationId": "aa6cfcd0-0295-4a4c-b074-8c901f114fee",
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You can't delete published invoices.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
{- "errors": {
- "Email": [
- "'Email' is not a valid email address."
}, - "details": "Validation failed: \n -- Email: 'Email' is not a valid email address. Severity: Error",
- "statusCode": 400,
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- "correlationId": "aa6cfcd0-0295-4a4c-b074-8c901f114fee",
- "entityId": null,
- "errorCode": null
The request containing the details for invoice submission.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
{- "totalAmount": 0,
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- "expirationYear": 0,
- "expirationMonth": 0,
- "securityCode": "string",
- "billingCountryId": 0,
- "billingPostalCode": "string",
- "savePaymentMethod": true
{- "success": true,
- "paymentMethodCreated": true,
- "customerInfoSaved": true
The request containing the details for invoice submission.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
{- "routingNumber": "string",
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- "savePaymentMethod": true,
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- "authorizeBankWithdrawal": true
{- "success": true,
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- "surchargeAmount": 0,
- "totalAmount": 0
The request containing the details for publishing the invoice.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
{- "dueDate": "string",
- "cardPaymentProcessorId": "db82121d-3317-4452-ab36-552196b0f55a",
- "achPaymentProcessorId": "7795a840-221a-45e0-9419-a69eaa3463ff",
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- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
Only invoices in published(Due, Past Due) status and not paid can be canceled.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
{- "errors": {
- "Email": [
- "'Email' is not a valid email address."
}, - "details": "Validation failed: \n -- Email: 'Email' is not a valid email address. Severity: Error",
- "statusCode": 400,
- "source": "<Service>",
- "exceptionType": "FluentValidation.ValidationException",
- "correlationId": "aa6cfcd0-0295-4a4c-b074-8c901f114fee",
- "entityId": null,
- "errorCode": null
Only invoices in published(Due, Past Due) status and not paid can be marked as paid.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
{- "paymentMethodTypeId": 0
{- "errors": {
- "Email": [
- "'Email' is not a valid email address."
}, - "details": "Validation failed: \n -- Email: 'Email' is not a valid email address. Severity: Error",
- "statusCode": 400,
- "source": "<Service>",
- "exceptionType": "FluentValidation.ValidationException",
- "correlationId": "aa6cfcd0-0295-4a4c-b074-8c901f114fee",
- "entityId": null,
- "errorCode": null
The request containing the details for the SMS notification.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
{- "phoneNumber": "string",
- "customerConsent": true
{- "errors": {
- "Email": [
- "'Email' is not a valid email address."
}, - "details": "Validation failed: \n -- Email: 'Email' is not a valid email address. Severity: Error",
- "statusCode": 400,
- "source": "<Service>",
- "exceptionType": "FluentValidation.ValidationException",
- "correlationId": "aa6cfcd0-0295-4a4c-b074-8c901f114fee",
- "entityId": null,
- "errorCode": null
Available only for published invoices.
Not Found
Server Error
The request containing the details for the Email notification.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
{- "receiverEmail": "string",
- "customerConsent": true
{- "errors": {
- "Email": [
- "'Email' is not a valid email address."
}, - "details": "Validation failed: \n -- Email: 'Email' is not a valid email address. Severity: Error",
- "statusCode": 400,
- "source": "<Service>",
- "exceptionType": "FluentValidation.ValidationException",
- "correlationId": "aa6cfcd0-0295-4a4c-b074-8c901f114fee",
- "entityId": null,
- "errorCode": null