Creates an ACH transaction in which funds are transferred from the customer to the merchant. This is used in regular sales transactions.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
{- "paymentProcessorId": "9ad5125d-c5fa-4e86-a0a7-d8b2be89bf56",
- "paymentMethodId": null,
- "customerId": null,
- "amount": 123.45,
- "isFasterProcessing": true,
- "routingNumber": "123123123",
- "accountNumber": "222222222",
- "taxId": null,
- "accountHolderType": 1,
- "accountType": 1,
- "billingAddress": {
- "city": "Phoenix",
- "countryId": 1,
- "line1": null,
- "line2": null,
- "postalCode": "12345",
- "stateName": null,
- "stateId": 1
}, - "shippingAddress": {
- "city": "Phoenix",
- "countryId": 1,
- "line1": null,
- "line2": null,
- "postalCode": "12345",
- "stateName": null,
- "stateId": 1
}, - "contactInfo": {
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith",
- "companyName": "Aurora",
- "email": "",
- "mobileNumber": null,
- "smsNotification": null
}, - "secCode": 0
{ }
Creates an ACH transaction in which funds are transferred from the merchant to the customer. This is used in credit operations, such as payouts or refunds without reference.
Bad Request
Not Found
Server Error
{- "paymentProcessorId": "a948260d-30fb-48b6-a0a1-ff3cb1bd6c06",
- "paymentMethodId": null,
- "customerId": null,
- "amount": 123.45,
- "isFasterProcessing": true,
- "routingNumber": "123123123",
- "accountNumber": "222222222",
- "taxId": null,
- "accountHolderType": 1,
- "accountType": 1,
- "billingAddress": {
- "city": "Phoenix",
- "countryId": 1,
- "line1": null,
- "line2": null,
- "postalCode": "12345",
- "stateName": null,
- "stateId": 1
}, - "shippingAddress": {
- "city": "Phoenix",
- "countryId": 1,
- "line1": null,
- "line2": null,
- "postalCode": "12345",
- "stateName": null,
- "stateId": 1
}, - "contactInfo": {
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith",
- "companyName": "Aurora",
- "email": "",
- "mobileNumber": null,
- "smsNotification": null
}, - "secCode": 0
{ }